
How Utility Line Location & Hydrovac Excavation Work Together

Is it time to replace old, rusty pipes? Or maybe a new, faster data cable will be heading into the community. Utility lines are everywhere in large cities like Edmonton, and not all of them have been identified or mapped for easy fixes and digging. While things are beginning to… Read More

Utility location service

Call Before You Dig: All The Reasons Why 

IVIS Construction: The Right People, The Right Equipment, The Right Choice With late spring comes those long-awaited renovation projects – and with renovation often comes digging. Whether you’re looking to plant a few trees, dig a new garden, install a fresh deck, or power a new utility shed –… Read More

5 Safety Practices Used In The Infrastructure Industry

While mechanical plumbing might not have the same safety connotations as fighting fires, coal mining, or scaffolding – it does come with its risks,  We’re committed to maintaining a strong safety culture at IVIS Construction. This includes thorough orientation training and various equipment and process-oriented certification programs, job site hazard… Read More

Clearing the Clutter with Hydro Excavation

This frozen ground is tough on expensive construction equipment – whether you’re building a new commercial property, renovating, or staring down the barrel of those of heavy-duty chores, traditional digging is, for the most part, on hold during these frigid Alberta months.  This doesn’t change the fact that… Read More

Hydrovac Excavation: A Low Cost Method for New Home Construction

Edmonton is a rapidly developing city, with many smaller boroughs within its generous 684 square kilometre radius. The pandemic has seen housing prices soar, and the time to develop is now.  Whether development means a new home construction or commercial or residential renovation, locating reputable… Read More

IVIS truck

How To Choose The Right Hydrovac Excavation Company

Winter is coming, Edmonton – but that doesn’t mean construction work stops, especially for companies who use hydrovac excavation. Hydrovac excavation is a less invasive way of removing soil, locating underground infrastructure, and removing debris. How? With highly pressurized water. Finding the right hydrovac excavation services in Edmonton… Read More